Saturday 16 August 2014

4 days post op

4 days post op


Woke up feeling pretty crap. Shoulder aching a little and emotions rock bottom. Good (careful!) hug with my hubbie and lots of cuddles with my dog!

Forgot to say, I managed a shower yesterday :-) Really wanted one - under my arm was beginning to get really sticky and itchy, yuk!

Adding in arm pendulum swings today, but it does hurt a little so will be very gentle. Increasing elbow and wrist reps though, plus trying to keep arm out of sling a little when lying down to stretch out elbow. Elbow feeling very stiff already so have focused on trying to keep it lse.

Managed to get out of the house to watch my son play a tennis match. Only half an hour away, but it was exhausting. Took double dose of codyrdramol at lunchtime as I had a terrible headache too. Think it was a touch early for going out though.


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