Saturday, 13 December 2014

4 months post-op

Well I am now 4 months post-op and things are looking good. I saw the consultant this week and he is very happy with my progress. He is now estimating that I should be back to normal by 6 months post-op, so not long to go!

I have full range of motion although my shoulder aches a little at each end of range. This doesn't worry me, nor the consultant - I can see that my shoulder is improving every day so a little ache is not a problem. In my exercises I push it to the limit every morning so it should continue to improve.

I am now running three times a week and going to Zumba classes twice a week. I average 10 miles walking each day. My daily movement work includes a lot of flexibility work alongside strengthening, under the guidance of a former dancer. He is also teaching me to move correctly all the time - not just during workouts - and I think that this is helping my overall improvement. I can feel that I stand and sit better, and my back ache is rapidly disappearing. I treat my injured shoulder the same as my non-injured one so that I will end up correctly balanced, which seems sensible to me!

So overall I am feeling very positive!

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

15 weeks post-op

Only one change on last week - physio tells me that the shoulder joint is now starting to glide properly. And apparently I'm improving quicker than most people at this stage. Still feels like it's taking a long time though!

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

14 weeks post op

Range of motion still improving, and improvements in strength becoming more noticeable.

Still aches occasionally, sometimes for no apparent reason!

A couple of hours gardening (winter pruning) was not good for it.

Good movement work helps tremendously, especially in the morning as I still wake up a little stiff.

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

13 weeks post-op

Well my shoulder has now survived two Zumba classes and jogging three times a week :-) It does ache a little a lot of the time but I can generally use my arm as normal. So although clearly not back to normal yet it is progressing well. No problems sleeping anymore.

Doing a few physio stretches and daily movement work which helps to loosen up my shoulder each day.

Otherwise no news!

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

12 weeks post-op

Made it to Zumba tonight and I feel fantastic! Shoulder a little achy so am sitting with an ice pack on it - the real test will be how I feel tomorrow.

Otherwise, nothing particularly exciting to report - continuing with slow but steady improvements. Sleep has been much better and I tend not to wake up during the night now :-)

Oh, and I managed a full stretch the other day, the sort with your arm over your head. Felt soooooo good!

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

11 weeks post op

Continuing to improve. Driving a lot is causing a little pain which knocks on to not sleeping well, otherwise no great change.

I've started doing some work with a movement coach - focusing on holding shoulders and back correctly, doing some extra stretches and some strength work. Seems to be having a good effect as the physio was delighted with my progress :-)

No Zumba though, simply because it is half term at the moment and so there no classes. Hoping to get there next week.

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

10 weeks post-op

Very brief update. Shoulder seems to be improving pretty quickly now - much better range of motion, a lot less pain and I can drive again :-) Basically, I treat it the same as my other arm - just occasionally find a position or action that hurts.

Continuing same exercises, plus a pec stretch (lying on the edge of the coffee table) that feels really good. Am jogging three days a week.

Consultant seemed to feel that all is progressing as it should be. Instructions are that there are no limits on activities unless they hurt, in which case stop the activity!

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

9 weeks post-op

Not much change on last week. Everything slowly improving but I still have a limited range of motion and a fair amount of pain most of the time. Have slept better the last few days though, which is good news.

Not started running again as back still has little twinges, but I am walking at least twice a day for an hour a piece and using the stationary bike a little.

Am seeing my consultant on Friday. Am hoping that he will give the go ahead for driving, and possibly Zumba? Fingers crossed.

Thursday, 9 October 2014

8 weeks post op

Range of motion improving each day, though still somewhat limited and aching a lot of the time. I managed to start the 'couch to 5k' running program on Monday, running a total of 5 minutes. No problems with my shoulder but the next day my back went :-( so have had to stop again. Arghh.

Sleeping is still a major issue for me but after a few days of little sleep I get so tired that I sleep well for one night before starting the cycle all over again.

Nothing else to report really, just trudging along.

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

7 weeks post op

Still feeling like I'm making progress and still feel like I have a long way to go! Am managing 30 minute walks without the sling (longer than that caused a lot of shoulder pain) and 20 minutes on a stationary bike. Can lift arms up over head, but not stretch them out fully. Can place hands on back, but not walk fingers up back.

Sleeping badly - just can't get comfortable for long, which is very frustrating. Would be better on a sofa, but I really don't want to leave the bed again.

Managed to make my birthday cake which I was very pleased about although it did knacker my shoulder somewhat, and slightly squiffy lines due to using my left hand but hey, I got my chocolate cake :-)


Am currently planning my return to Zumba and to jogging although I know that it will be a while yet for either, but one can dream on :-)


Wednesday, 24 September 2014

6 weeks post op

Feeling pretty good today. Am noticing a significant increase in range of movement with my shoulder, and I am developing much greater stamina in general. Still doing the same exercises as I haven't reached normal range of movement yet so still worth doing. Am also walking twice a day and using a stationary bike three times a week for 15 minutes at a time.

Shoulder/arm does still ache quite a lot of the time. Two sorts of ache - in my arm muscles, presumably due to starting to use them again, and at the top of the tendon where the tendon is now reattached to the bone. This later ache is very different - more like a sharp pain at a very specific point and I have my suspicions that it due to the tendon itself still healing/anchoring.

Am now sleeping in a bed again, although this does mean that I am not sleeping so well as I keep waking up with my arm hurting. Sometimes I take a paracetamol and codeine either before going to sleep or in the middle of the night. Other times I just push through it.

Decided a few days ago to aim to run a 10k on 1st February. Gives me a target to work towards. Physio seems to think it's possible although she did say that it would be quite a challenge to get me ready in time. But I feel up for a challenge :-)

One other bit of news - I can now wear trousers with a zip and button :-)

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

5 weeks post op

Having a bit of a bumpy ride. On the one hand, I am able to do a lot more with my shoulder/arm which makes me feel good. For example I can cook, eat, write, potter around doing bits and pieces etc. On the other hand, because I am doing more and using the sling less my shoulder is aching most of the time. That makes me feel miserable and is quite draining.

I came across the following slide on the internet, and I am now clinging to it like no tomorrow....

Thank you to '' whoever you are!

In terms of exercises I am doing the same exercises as last week and they are still quite difficult to do, but I think that there is just a little improvement in range of motion. But I can see that it is going to take a while before I am anywhere near back to normal. I have to just keep reminding myself of the above slide.


Wednesday, 10 September 2014

4 weeks post op

So I am now four weeks postop. Here's where I am at....

- shoulder much more robust to general movement. At home I usually have the sling off - usually only comes on when I am tired or my neck/shoulder is hurting. I do keep it on when I leave the house, as recommended by the surgeon.

- A few days ago I fell over whilst crossing the road. Although my shoulder hurt for that day and following day quite badly, because I was wearing my sling at the time I am very lucky that I could not put my hand out to stop my fall. This means that I did no serious damage to my shoulder.

- my physio says that my range of motion is pretty good for someone at four weeks, but to me it seems like I can't move it at all!

- Am still somewhat limited as to what I can do with my hand. Any attempt to put pressure or strength through my hand/arm just results in pain in my shoulder.

- In terms of exercise, I am now going for at least two walks a day of 30 minutes each. Today I also started a little stationary bike riding for 10 minutes. I desperately want to do some cardio exercise but anything which jolts my shoulder just causes pain for a while afterwards, so I am trying to wait until the six weeks period for tendons to heal is over.

- For shoulder exercises I am doing pendulum swings, shoulder shrugs and walking my fingers up the wall. My physio gave me some more exercises today to do as follows...

- lying on back using my good hand to take my poor arm up towards my ear

- lying on my back with elbows at my side holding a stick in both hands and moving it side to side gently

- lying on my back trying to raise both arms upwards along the floor as if making a snow angel

- trying to place my hands on my back, which in reality means putting them on my bum!

With all of these exercises the physio says I should be just dipping into pain, not working through pain. And I should apply ice to my shoulder after any exercises if it is aching.

My shoulder muscles are also very very tight, and the physio suggested applying heat packs to try and relax the muscles are little. And to try and keep my posture good.

Last weekend I tried sleeping in a normal bed, but I found that I kept rolling onto my shoulder and so I did not sleep much during the night and I woke up with a very painful shoulder. So unfortunately I am back to sleeping on the sofa which I am very fed up with.

Overall I really can't wait for my shoulder to heal, but I know that I have to be patient even if that is very difficult at times.

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

3 weeks post op

9 am

Just got back from my first post op physiotherapy appointment. Not surprisingly, my neck and upper back muscles are all very tight. She therefore worked on trying to release them a little bit. I do have a headache now as a consequence :-(

Generally the last few days have been much much better. My shoulder is a lot less sensitive to movement, and although I can still not do much with my arm I can move around the house much more easily than before. I feel that my shoulder is beginning to heal! I don't generally have any pain in my shoulder unless I make an awkward movement or move out of range.

9 pm

I also had my three week check up with the surgeon. He seemed pleased with my progress and now wants me to focus on improving my range of movement. He stressed not to be concerned with strength at this stage - improve mobility first and strength later.

Friday, 29 August 2014

2 weeks + 3 days post op

Well, I have spent the last few days recovering from the twinges of 2 weeks post op. It was just one of those little setbacks that one has to just 'rest out'. After two days of resting I am beginning to feel that I am getting back on track. I can now walk around again pain free, which is great, but I do have pretty limited movement of my arm. Fingers still a little swollen from wearing the sling so am keeping my rings off.

All dressings are off now and wounds beginning to heal nicely. Hopefully not too long before I can use the hot tub again!



Wednesday, 27 August 2014

2 weeks post op

Well, today is two weeks post op exactly and I was planning on writing a summary of where I am at. However today has not turned out as I was expecting.

I woke up early feeling pretty good, and even before breakfast I was planning quite a lot to do today. I was feeling very positive. After breakfast and just after doing my exercises I developed a very slight twinge in my arm. I didn't worry too much but then about 30 minutes later it suddenly twinged again and this time it was a lot more painful. And then again about ten minutes later it twinged and this time it was really really painful.

By this time I was in tears but I decided to take some ibuprofen and also to ice it for about 10 minutes. Although it was a little better there was still quite a lot of pain so I took some paracetamol and codeine, and resigned myself to lying on the sofa for a while.

The rest of the day has basically been spent lying on the sofa trying not to move to stop too much pain. All very disappointing as I thought everything was going so well :-(

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

1 week + 6 days post op

Have been feeling a lot more energetic in the last few days which is encouraging. Biggest problem is stopping myself doing anything stupid with my arm. For example, today I filled the kettle up with water using my left hand then unthinkingly put it into my right hand to hold whilst turning off the tap. Result - sharp pain right up my arm. So, as advised by the consultant, am keeping the sling on as much as possible.

Exercise wise I have now added in wall walking (facing the wall and walking fingers up as far as possible with no pain), although I do gently support my elbow to avoid putting too much pressure through the tendons. I have also added in shoulder rolls, simply cos it feels really good! Pendulum swings not great first thing in the morning but improve during the day.

Took the plasters off today - two holes healed, two still bleeding. So vitamin E oil for the healed ones and more plasters for the bleeding ones. My bruise is now gently extending downwards too...

My neck has stopped hurting, possibly because of the shoulder rolls, but my mid back is still aching :-( so I am trying to keep my posture good.

Not needed any pain meds today :-)


Sunday, 24 August 2014

1 week + 4 days post op

Sleep, sleep, sleep. This seems to be all that my body wants me to do at the moment. I cannot believe how much I am sleeping!

I am getting a fair amount of pain in my arm, and a little bit in my shoulder. Also, my back and neck are beginning to hurt from wearing the sling so much of the time. Because of this I have spent a lot of today just lying down without a sling on and trying to rest my arm and my shoulder as much as possible. I also have a slight headache this afternoon.

Occasionally I have signs of being a little bored. I have a list of things that I can do during my recovery period which I prepared before I had my operation, but I'm feeling so tired that I haven't managed to do any of them yet. But at least I'm beginning to think of doing some things.

I think that my husband is beginning to feel the pressure of having to do a lot more at home than he's used to doing. And certainly the tensions are running a little high at times in the house. My 17 year old son has also done a lot at home last week and this weekend - on the positive side I think he's learning to do some very useful things such as cleaning, cooking and putting the washing on. This recovery period would certainly have been impossible without some people at home to help me do even some of the most basic things.

And by the way, this is being typed up using Siri because my typing with my left hand is incredibly slow. Ah, the benefits of modern technology!

Friday, 22 August 2014

1 week + 2 days post op

1st day off Co-Dydramol and Diclofenac. Did take a paracetamol and codeine this morning though as shoulder was hurting a little, but it hasn't hurt since :-)

No other change - still doing same exercises. Still taking it easy.

Did manage to put on earrings! Requires bending right over so that ear is level to my knee so that I can hold the earring with one hand whilst fitting with the other. And being careful not to twist hand to palm facing upwards as that hurts my shoulder.

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

1week post op

5 am and I have searing pain in my shoulder :-( On a scale of 10 this is definitely an 8 and I almost called up to my husband for help. In the end I managed to get myself a paracetamol and codeine (didn't want to go for a stronger co-dydramol as that would have required eating something) and am waiting for pain to subside.

10 pm. Well, I did get back to sleep fairly quickly but felt a touch tired the rest of the day. Not much else to report about the day really. Did my exercises, rested a bit and pottered around the house etc. My son took me to do a food shop and I also made it up to the local shops on my own :-)

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

7 days post op

I cannot believe just how tiring it is recovering from an operation. I slept well last night, had a lie in this morning and then fell asleep again after breakfast! By 11 am I began to feel normal again, but after just about 20 minutes I was feeling tied again. Argh!

Discovered that turning the front door key is not a smart move 7 days post op - sharp shooting pain down my arm. Lesson learnt. Generally I am getting little pain in my shoulder, though I am of course still taking painkillers. Every now and then I make a wrong move and get a twinge so I try to keep my arm in the sling when moving about just to limit those moves. Painkillers run out in a few days which will be interesting.


Monday, 18 August 2014

6 days post op

6 days post op


Woke up this morning feeling tired, which is a shame because I was hoping that I would feel better today having had a good rest yesterday. I did manage to go for a short walk in the park this morning with my son. Although I really did not feel like doing it I think it was the best thing to do as I felt better afterwards.

My shoulder is feeling very itchy today so I have taken the top dressings off to let the skin rest and breathe a little. Some of the wounds have bled a little bit but overall I think they are looking pretty good. I am now beginning to see a small bruise.


Managed to wash my hair in the shower today and even get dressed on my own. Both took a while, but at least I can do them now!

Will be continuing my basic exercises until I see the Physio in week 3. Think it's going to get a touch boring :-(


Sunday, 17 August 2014

5 days post op

5 days post op


Slept well last night which is a relief. I did take two co-dydramol rather than one at supper and I think that helped knock any pain. Arm hurting a little on waking.

Went for a walk on the common with my husband and dog - felt really good to be out and about. However shoulder started to hurt by the end (only walked for about 15 mins) and felt queasy afterwards. By the time I got home I also had a headache. So I did my exercises then retreated to the sofa for a rest.

Took it easy the rest of the day and didn't feel too bad. Had a fun few hours with my husband and 17 year old son preparing salads. I was basically directing as there is not much one can do with one hand but it was fun all working together. Also taught my son how to use the hoover!

Did my exercises a few times and elbow is now feeling less stiff :-) Am hopeful that I will feel good tomorrow.


Saturday, 16 August 2014

4 days post op

4 days post op


Woke up feeling pretty crap. Shoulder aching a little and emotions rock bottom. Good (careful!) hug with my hubbie and lots of cuddles with my dog!

Forgot to say, I managed a shower yesterday :-) Really wanted one - under my arm was beginning to get really sticky and itchy, yuk!

Adding in arm pendulum swings today, but it does hurt a little so will be very gentle. Increasing elbow and wrist reps though, plus trying to keep arm out of sling a little when lying down to stretch out elbow. Elbow feeling very stiff already so have focused on trying to keep it lse.

Managed to get out of the house to watch my son play a tennis match. Only half an hour away, but it was exhausting. Took double dose of codyrdramol at lunchtime as I had a terrible headache too. Think it was a touch early for going out though.


3 days post op

3 days post op

Slept well last night, only waking up once. Virtually no pain in my arm or shoulder, provided that I don't move it much.

In the morning I increased my movement exercises slightly to include elbow mobility, so I am now doing...

- fist clenches, with palm pointing downwards (hurts if palm facing up) 4x10 reps

- wrist circles, again palm facing downwards, 30 seconds between fist clench sets

- elbow mobility, bend and flex elbow with palm facing towards thigh


Have to admit my arm and elbow do feel stiff so I am doing these roughly once an hour.


Thursday, 14 August 2014

2 days post op

It is now the day after the operation. I didn't record anything yesterday simply because I was asleep most of the time. I spent the first few hours after the operation very very sleepy. I had very little pain in my arm because of the nerve block that had been put into my neck. After a few hours however, the nerve block subsided and I began to feel pain in my shoulder and arm.

Below is what my shoulder looked like - it wasn't as bad as it looked as a lot of the blood was due to water that being used to flood the site.

My arm and hand were completely numb for a least 6 to 8 hours. I found that this was a very strange sensation, and made doing a lot of things a lot harder than I had realised before.

For painkillers I was being given Diclofenac and tramadol. At about 2 o'clock in the morning when I was unable to sleep and in a lot of pain I also had some morphine.

I came home from the hospital the next day i.e., this morning. Today I have basically slept on and off for most of the day. My shoulder hurt a lot on the way home and I also felt quite sick on the car journey. Once at home I found that after I had a good sleep my shoulder felt less painful. I am also icing my shoulder as much as possible.



Tuesday, 12 August 2014

1 day pre-op

1 day pre-op and I am feeling a little strange. Spent most of the day doing various admin bits and my hair cut, hoovered through, started to prepare the living to be my bedroom (so that I can sleep propped up on the sofa) etc. I also had an urge to do lots of cooking - presumably because I won't be able for quite a while after the op. Ended up with cheesecake, minestrone soup and ginger biscuits!

Packed for the hospital - pretty small bag, just a dressing gown, slippers, chargers, change of clothes in case I stay in overnight and some drinks/snacks.

I did have a lovely evening meal with the family as well :-)

Monday, 11 August 2014

2 days pre-op

2 days pre-op

Have spent the day trying to get bits and pieces sorted out before the operation, e.g....

food shop
buying ice packs
buying spare pillow case covers
booking post op physio

I also spent a fair amount of time last week researching the operation and recovery, from which I am concluding two main features...

1. The operation itself is fairly standard and seems to have a good success rate, and
2. Recovery takes a long long time.

I suppose that's both good and bad news!


This will hopefully become a brief blog outlining my recovery from an arthroscopic biceps tenodesis. Having completed a similar blog on my son's recovery from a microdiscectomy and being amazed at how many people have, and still are, reading it I realised that others might actually find these blogs useful. If you are one of those, good luck and I hope that you find this useful. Rosey (45 year old female)